Argh! There’s A Skeleton Inside You Review
We love getting lost in story time with our kids just for fun. But knowing your child is also learning is a nice bonus. Argh! There’s a skeleton inside you is a fun story where your kids can learn what’s inside their body to give it structure, help it move and how it feels. This fun story is by Idan Ben-Barak and Julian Frost. Let’s review Argh! There’s a skeleton inside you.

Quog and Oort are going to a birthday party but their spaceship had broken down. They can’t open the spaceship doors because Quog’s arms are all floppy because Quog doesn’t have any bones. Don’t stress though, because your child has bones and can help open the spaceship (By turning the page)
The aliens are amazed by your child’s abilities and ask to see how they did it. Your child proudly scans their hand and the aliens looks at the bones inside their hand. After freaking out that there’s a skeleton inside your child, the Quog decides to grow some bones, which will give her body structure – exactly what she needs.

But now the aliens need to lift their engine into the spaceship. Unfortunately they have no muscles, but again there’s no need to fear, you have a willing helper sitting on your lap busting to show off their strength and again show the aliens what’s inside their hand that gives it strength. Well, Quog is all in on the muscles now too and decides to grow some of those too.

Ok, now the aliens are ready to take off to go to the party. Wait. Not so fast! How can they find the light switch in the dark? Some nerves would be good to help them feel. Once again, your child shows Quog the nerves in their hand.

Quog and Oort can now go to the party armed with a touching gift using their new physical attributes. Spoiler alert! A hug. ????
Learn without realising.
Your kids will learn what bones, muscles and nerves are and their purpose. They’ll be asking questions and fascinated by seeing what’s inside Also, there’s a little section at the back after the story for your child to learn and talk about how the body works in greater detail which is fantastic for young minds.